Download Yellow Magic Orchestra Bgm Zip

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YellowDownload Yellow Magic Orchestra Bgm Zip

Yellow Magic Orchestra Bgm

Kagaki This has some of my favorite YMO tracks: Ballet; 1000 Knives (an awesome cover-version of a track originally off of a Ryuichi Sakamoto solo album); Cue; and Loom. These, along with a couple others off this album, really encapsulate why YMO (of 1981-1983) is so great. Attack on titans episode 1 english dub free Their music is just so atmosphereic, moody, and catchy. The production is really something to behold too, from the distorted flangy vocals (that you either love or dispise), to the synth sounds that have aged decently well, to the reverberating industrial-esque noises that appear on tracks like 'Happy End' and 'Mass', to the unexplained 'voices' that pop in on certian tracks like 'Camouflage' that have no reason to be there other than to be there.The overall feel of this album is very dark, very brooding, and very fun. But I REALLY hate 'Rap Phenomena'; it's not catchy, or interesting, or's just annoying; the vocals, the melody, everything about the track just urks me. And yet I enjoy this album so much that I'm willing to look past that track and look at the album as a whole. This is not YMO's best album (that place either belongs to their self-titled debut, or to the album after this, 'Technodelic').